Spidean News

New PostNuke-Adminstrator-Guide - ready to use  
Posted by: matz on Saturday, January 03, 2004 - 07:37 PM
Charles F. Maguire a fellow postnuker from dankstreet.com announced in this release-article "... anyone is insterested... the new gplized Administrator-Guide for PostNuke (demo) can be downloaded in .zip format and downloaded in tar.gz format or viewed on-line right here [just click !].

This is Release Candidate 3. The online version doesn't have the figures (images), but the zip and tar.gz downloads include 34 png files! It still needs lots of work, but it is a start. Thank you PostNuke!" (end of citation)
BTW, this is a real Christmas present to the whole PostNuke community - these GPLized docs are not only already very useful for newbies - helping to get started with PostNuke, these docs are great starting points for a sustainable documentation creation process. They open up the opportunities to be enhanced in a collaborative and discursive process. They can be enhanced stepwise... based on peer review and incremental developement. With such a process we get a more consolidated creation process of new knowledge and a very very sustainable documentation work.

Any interested PostNuker can contact via Feedbackmailer, or you're also invited to comment on this release-article.
Note: Thanks! Sorry for the delay in posting.

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