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Change Log for Newsletter version 6.2

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Changelog
// 5.30 - removed email check for registered users in index.php
// - for unsubscribed users names was wrong in list.
// subscribers.php
// - wrote new functions_mail.php to run better. It now saves an
// archive of the text email also. This requires an upgrade.
// edit also pninit.php, pntables.php
// - since we are archiving the text mailers, we might as well make
// them viewable. edit archives.php, functions.php
// I decided not to make this an option for users
// - added option to send all mailers out to each user one at a time
// rather than in bulk. added global.php lang _READYTOSENDSINGLES,
// - Daniel Luttermann updated deu lang files
// - placed english definitions in other global lang files.
// 5.31 - pnlang/eng/subscribe_pop.php had bad link
// - need strict php code for some versions of php. edit
// email_test.php, email_validation.php, smtp.php.
// thanks to dbrucas for locating this
// - now you can update your plugins with one click. very exciting.
// edit modules.php
// - new feature for all plugins. set initial values with
// modversion[mod_data]. This is really for future plugins so
// the only change right now was to functions.php
// - cron.php updated and tested thanks to ikke. cron must be run
// through postnuke interface. this may cause errors on some
// servers. use with caution.
// - edit functions_mail.php to get rid of duplicate To: part of
// email for alternate mailing method (hope no bugs from this)
// - a ton of new plugins from Craig Ozancin included since they
// work with core postnuke modules. they are: enhcommentssince,
// enhdownloads, enhnewssince, enhsurvey, enhtext, headlinessince
// 5.32 - pnlang/eng/subscribe_pop.php needed paths to be linked from root
// - error in coming_events.php plugin. updated to version 1.2
// - threw together a newsletter archives sideblock.
// pnblocks/pnTresMailer_Archives.php
// pnlang/eng/pnTresMailer_Archives.php
// 5.33 - pnblocks/pnTresMailer_Archives.php, fixed duplicate function.
// - newssince.php was not grabbing correct news for text version
// - updated smtp.php, DNS.php, getmxrr.php
// - added privacy statement to users page. index.php, global.php
// - new SETTING to allow new subscribers to receive a copy of the
// lastest newsletter when they signup. This required a database
// change and means you have to upgrade the module. pninit.php,
// pntables.php, vars.php, functions.php, global.php, index.php
// - unregistered subscribers can now retrieve their username by
// entering their email address. index.php, global.php
// - new plugin - forward newsletter to a friend. this required that
// the file forward.php be added to the root of the module dir.
// also added the 2 usual plugin files fw_newsletter.php
// - added a tracking system, but the catch is that you have to send
// out the emails using the second option, sending individually.
// This is the only way to track each user. subscriber.php,
// tracker.php, functions.mail.php, pninit.php, pntables.php
// 5.34 - Display confirmation that new subscriber received copy of archived
// mailer. subscriber.php, global.php, index.php, forward.php
// - added new sideblock that hides if already subscribed called
// pnblocks/pnTresMailer_hide.php
// 5.35 - edit index.php for sorting the archived letters
// - put the smtp sending mail version throughout when that is the
// selected method by the admin
// 5.36 - updated news_in_cat.php plugin. had bad text lang file.
// - mailer_import.php was importing anonymous user
// - rewrote functions_mail.php some users were having odd errors
// 5.37 - parse error in mailer_import.php fixed.
// - alt mail system was corrupt in 5.36. fixed functions_mail.php
// 5.38 - text subscribers could see other email addresses. functions_mail.php
// 5.40 - edit subscribers.php, lang/eng/global.php (notes at top of file),
// functions.php.
// - ability to sort by and see subscribers email address and edit the
// subscribers information. also compare and edit it with the postnuke
// registration for that same user if they are registered.
// - ability to allow HTML only subscriptions. Option in SETTINGS.
// - edit pninit.php, pntables.php, vars.php, index.php
// 5.41 - error in pninit.php fixed
// 5.50 - fix for servers running php 4.2.3 where template cannot be read.
// edit pninit.php, pntables.php, functions_mail.php, vars.php,
// functions.php, lang/eng/global.php
// 5.51 - did it again. argh. pninit.php
// - vars.php duplicate settings was removed
// 5.52 - auto-detect php version. update vars.php, functions_mail.php,
// functions.php, pntables.php, pninit.php
// 5.60 - combined html and text mailer into one email using alternate
// mime types. changed function_mail.php, pntables.php, pninit.php
// vars.php
// - probably made a few other minor changes but I regretfully forgot
// to update this changelog when I made them. I don't think any
// other files have been altered.
// 5.70 - you must now generate the newsletter before sending it. This way
// you can see it before it goes out. Also, you can generate
// letters without having to email them. The main reason for doing
// this is to speed up the send times for mailing. I think generating
// the letter was making the email appear to take much longer.
// also, nothing wrong with more control :). changed functions_mail.php,
// eng language file
// - remove the "*(r) indicates mailer read by subscriber" as it was
// creating false readings that just makes things confusing. changed
// subscribers.php
// - added Loop Count to Settings. this is the number of emails to send
// out before refreshing the page. changed vars.php, pninit.php,
// pntables.php, functions.php, admin.php
// 5.71 - added user functions to the package. upload the contents of the NS-User
// module folder and users will have a link in their account area to
// access the pnTresMailer user page.
// 5.80 - added option to personalize individually sent emails with a subscribers
// username. Turn it on in SETTINGS and add <!-- [USERNAME] -->
// to have the system automatically insert the user's name.
// - changed pninit.php, pntables.php, vars.php, functions.php,
// functions_mail.php, archives.php and added to the end language file
// - removed all upgrade support for versions prior to 5.34
// you have to upgrade to that version before this version
// - IMPORTANT!! changed the template inserts. what used to be inserted
// with [ISSUE] is now <!-- [ISSUE] -->. This was done for those
// using the peronalized options. this way these tags aren't
// seen by the user if they don't get replaced.
// - updated the install.txt file
// - found and fixed an error in sending single email to one subscriber
// 5.81 - missing pntresmialer.gif graphic in NS-user module
// - again with the bad pninit.php file - fixed
// 5.82 - replace preview of [USERNAME] with [FRIEND] to stop confusion
// as to if it is properly working.
// - replace USERNAME tag with _FRIENDREPLACE when bulk mailing
// - changed functions_mail.php, eng lang global.php
// 5.90 - add unsubscribe table to db to record all unsub requests
// edit pninit.php, pntables.php, index.php, functions.php
// - add author info to plugins. edit modules.php
// - unsubscriber admin. edit subscriber.php, functions.php
// 5.91 - Counter not incrementing correctly when sending single emails
// edit functions_mail.php
// - Edit TO mail header for single-sent emails
// - add a fix link to archives in case mailing fails half-way
// through the process. edit functions_mail.php, archives.php,
// eng lang global.php
// 5.92 - Add edit feature to last compiled archive so you can edit the
// text and html of the archive before mailing it out. edit
// archives.php, functions.php, global.php eng lang file
// - fit the above option in to the list of things you do when you
// click GENEREATE AND SEND. edit functions_mail.php
// 5.93 - turned tracker back on. edit functions_mail.php, subscribers.php
// there is a settings at the top of subscribers.php (line 3)
// that turns it on or off and will display a red (r) when
// a subscribers opens the last newsletter sent. must be sent
// individually or single and not bulk.
// - to use the tracker, turn it on and add the tag: <!-- [TRACKER -->
// Add the tag somewhre in the header, footer, or any other
// part of the body of the newsletter.
// - found error in functions_mail where sending single emails
// was sending bad data.
// 5.94 - edited functions_mail.php. counting the emails wrong when
// sending individually.
// - strange results when sending out individual mailers so I made
// some important changes to function_mail.php
// 5.95 - eng lang global.php edit.
// - option added to allow removed subscribers to be re-added. changed
// function.php, vars.php, pntables.php, pninit.php, index.php
// - this version requires a module upgrade through postnuke admin
// - closing form tag missing from fw_newsletter.php module
// - closing form tag missing from archives.php edit archive function
// 5.96 - updated coming_events.php plugin module so it only excludes
// private events and includes all others. Also, will include
// an ending date if there is one
// - add option to "list once" in coming_events.php
// - made some adjustments to functions_mail.php to remove duplicate
// email subject in alt method mails
// - rebuilt the cron.php
// - created rss feed module plugin
// 5.97 - updated plugins newssince and enhnessince to include category
// and topic selection
// - couldn't update loop count in SETTINGS. fixed functions.php
// - problem sending using alt system and bulk. fixed functions_mail.php
// 5.98 - Spam-protecting SMTP hosts now require a valid hostname when
// connecting to them to ask about email addresses.
// updated email_test.php
// - lang/eng/global.php addition for User Account Link
// - moved User Account Link to pnTresMailer module
// you should delete the old stuff from NS-User/user/*/pnTresMailer.php
// - updated email_validation.php
// - updated plugins newssince, enhnewssince - added option to
// display news that is not on homepage.
// updated both modules and lang/eng files
// 5.99 - adjusted stripslashes method in send-single in functions_mail.php
// - trying new localhost address in email_test.php
// - mailer_import.php update to check for duplicate emails as well as
// duplicate uid
// - IMPORTANT!! I changed the default template and removed all things
// related to
// 6.00 - updated index.php and added options IN top of page to turn off
// certain page redirects and the email tester. all ON by default
// - updated subscribers.php and moved add subscriber to separate
// page for LARGE lists of pn_users - thanks to TheBrain
// - updated functions_mail.php, it was possible to send more than
// one email to each subscriber
// 6.01 - added description of unsubscribers list at top of page. added this
// definition to global.php lang file
// - renamed all references to "modules" to "plugins"
// - update to index.php where user's can preview the archives. replaces
// the <!-- [USERNAME] --> tag with [FRIEND]
// - fixed plugin for enhnewssince.php
// - updated german lang files thanks to oda
// - add 2 new subscribe buttons in the images folder as alternates
// thanks to somynona
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// 6.02 - development taken over by, hosted by
// - added foyleman's fix to stop multiple subscription to a single email address
// - subsequent fixes will be from foyleman's forum
// - numbering scheme 6.xx will be preserved until fixes are stable,
// stable version will be 6.66, then 7.xx for new ideas.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// 6.03a - Error Listing - alpha version
// = screen only (planned: email Admin, save File)
// = No ESMTP (slightly slower without pipelining)
// = Alt Mail System will not provide Error Lists
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// kdoerges - double OptIn for non-registered users
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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